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Fake at DhoomimalViews: 135
Jan 22, 2009 10:32 am It's Raza @ Fault and not Dhoomimal!

Jasmine Jehengir
From a Trusted Source and Art Expert:

Raza disowns his early works most of the time.

when caught with one of the clients he turned around and said this is not Raza the artist!

This is becoz those works are not what he is popularly known for and also he is embarassed of those works.

Which is the same that happens with poor dhoomimal people.

He is pretty much of a 'difficult'artist who creates a lot of chaos in the field.

I have proof of what i am saying so please dont write such things becoz its very important that artists too behave themselves.

It's so easy to believe the artist and not the dealer - when its actually the dealer who is suffering in some of this cases - the same dealers who bloody supported them when they were nothing.

Raza is not the only one to do this - F N Souza was famous for it, so is Ram kumar and Akbar padamsee, Manjit and Anjolie.

Get the facts right people!

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